Saturday, August 30, 2008


I am currently a third year medical student at TTUHSC School of Medicine. While I am not exactly sure what field of medicine I will enter at this time, I know that I want to go into a specialty that allows me time for hobbies, friends, and family. In just a few short years of medicine, I have seen how the medical profession can quickly take over your life (I'll try to go into this later), and while I love taking care of patients, it is important to have "me time."

I enjoy NCAA football (especially Texas Christian University), staying in shape, and learning about new things. I also enjoy flying a Cessna 172 when I get the chance; I received my pilot's license back in undergrad at TCU.

I will try to keep most of my posts medical, but some will probably be about TCU football and life in general. Please feel free to ask any questions. I love helping students through the medical school application process and medical school in general.

I hope you all enjoy my blog!